Threat actors are targeting Crédit Agricole customers to collect account information.
The phishing mail leads the user to believe that a new security mechanism needs to be activated in order to be protected against fraud. By clicking on the link “⇒ S’AUTHENTIFIER POUR ÊTRE PROTÉGER”, the user is taken to the phishing landing page. (Note the spelling mistake in “PROTÉGER”, which should be “PROTÉGÉ”)
As a first step, the user has to click “CLIQUER ICI POUR ACTIVER VOTRE NUMERO”, after which they are requested to choose a region.
Once the region is chosen, the user has to provide their client number, followed by their personal code.
Afterwards, the user has to provide their phone number and 2 SMS codes.
Finally, a message indicating that the procedure was successful is presented. (Again a spelling mistake: “a été activer” should be “a été activé” )