Téléchargement disponible


Threat actors are impersonating the french “Direction générale des finances” to collect e-mail credentials.

The phishing mail leads the user to believe that a new document from the french “Direction générales des finances” has arrived.
By clicking on the button “Télécharger le fichier”, the user is first redirected to the legitimate SwissTransfer service. This file transfer service is abused to host a ZIP file which contains the phishing form.

This form is accessed by first opening the archive file “DIRECTION GENERALE DES FINANCES.zip”, and then opening the contained file “direction generales des finances.html”.

This phishing form then asks for the e-mail credentials.


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If you are uncertain about the authenticity of an email, do not hesitate to contact the entity that seems to have sent you the email using a safe communication manner, using the phone for example (no phone number from the untrusted email must be used in order to verify the authenticity).

If you are working for the Luxembourgish government or are using any of the GOVCERT.LU services, it is important to forward phishing emails to us (using Reporting an incident or the Outlook button). This will allow us to take down phishing websites and protect members of our constituency.


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