RE: Votre carte de sécurité sociale n'est plus valable [DD-479893-D3746]


Threat actors are using a Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (CCSS) phishing theme to collect personal information and credit card credentials.

The mail leads the user to believe that their social security card needs to be updated.

Clicking on the link “Renouveler maintenant” takes the user to the landing page which mimics the official CCSS page.

After clicking “Continuer”, the user is taken to a second page that requests address information.
The next page solicits the victim’s credit card details, after which a confirmation page is shown.
Upon clicking “Finir”, the victim is redirected to the official CCSS website.


phishing_email phishing_page_continuer phishing_personal_information phishing_credit_card phishing_finish phishing_legitimate_ccss_page



If you are uncertain about the authenticity of an email, do not hesitate to contact the entity that seems to have sent you the email using a safe communication manner, using the phone for example (no phone number from the untrusted email must be used in order to verify the authenticity).

If you are working for the Luxembourgish government or are using any of the GOVCERT.LU services, it is important to forward phishing emails to us (using Reporting an incident or the Outlook button). This will allow us to take down phishing websites and protect members of our constituency.


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